Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are a few questions and answers about some keyboard shortcuts available in Microsoft Word.

Is there a quick way of increasing and decreasing the font size for text in a Word document?

<CTRL><Shift>+ (Hold the control key and the plus key down at the same time) increases the font size of selected text and <CTRL><Shift>- (Hold the control key and the minus key down at the same time) decreases it.


Is there a quick way to turn basic formats like bold and underline on and off?

<CTRL>B can be used to toggle bold on and off

<CTRL>U can be used to toggle underline on and off

<CTRL>I can be used to toggle italic on and off


I often have to use the paste special feature. I know I can use <CTRL>V as a shortcut for a default paste, but is there a shortcut for Paste Special?


<CTRL><ALT>V can be used to invoke a Paste Special. It will open the Paste Special dialog:




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